9 am Access Opens
9:15-9:45 am Bishop's Remarks
10-1045 am “What is Theology of the Body and Why Should I Care?”
Monica Ashour
11 am-11:45 am “Teaching TOB to Tots, Tweens, and Teens”
Monica Ashour
11:45 am-12:45 pm Lunch Break
12:45-1:45 pm Breakout 1
"Appealing to the Beginning and to the Heart: A Pedagogy of the Body" (Teachers for Grades 1-8)
Sr. Mary Vianney, MSSR
“TOB’s 3 Basics: Forming a Firm Foundation for Their Future Regarding Sexuality”
(Teachers for Grades 9-12) (recording unavailable)
Monica Ashour
2-245 pm Breakout 2
“TOB’s 3 Basics: The Body Matters as a Firm Foundation”
(Teachers for Grades 1-8)
Monica Ashour
A Brief Intro to Pope St. John Paul II’s Extraordinary Teaching on Human Love (Teachers for Grades 9-12)
2:45 - 3:00 p.m.** Decade of the Rosary with the Marian Sisters
*The primary audience on Friday, 9/25, is the Catholic school community of the Diocese of Santa Rosa. However, limited access is available for parish DREs & parish catechetical leaders.
**Participants receive up to 5 hours of renewal certification credit for completing the full day.
SAT., SEPT 26, 2020**
9 am Access Opens
915-945 am Bishop Remarks
10-1045 am The Theology of the Body and Christian Morality
Mary Beth Bonacci
“Teología del Cuerpo Para Padres y Catequistas”
Gabriel & Carola Egusquiza
11-1145 am Sex, Love and the Theology of the Body
Mary Beth Bonacci
“Padres Viviendo Un Matrimonio Libre, Total, Fiel y Fructífero”
Gabriel & Carola Egusquiza
1145 am-1245 pm Lunch Break
1245-145 pm “A Brief Introduction to TOB and Teaching Children TOB Basics”
Monica Ashour
“Catequesis de Teología del Cuerpo: Fundamentos y 3 conceptos básicos”
Joanna Brunet
2-245pm “The Body Matters: From Basics to Sexuality”
Monica Ashour
“Enseñar TOB a los adolescentes: La verdad de la sexualidad
Karina Barba
2:45 - 3:00 p.m. Decade of the Rosary with the Marian Sisters (English)
Década del Rosario con las Hermanas Marianas (español)
**Participants receive up to 5 hours of renewal certification credit for completing the full day.