We, the people of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Santa Rosa, are united by:
We are called to become, in the Spirit, a worshiping, loving, welcoming and serving community:
A community of faith and worship, responding to the presence of God in Word and in Sacrament;
A community of renewal through prayer and study, nurturing a personal spiritual growth;
A community of deeply held Gospel values, supporting and nurturing these values in families and individuals at every age and state of life;
A community of openness and acceptance, fostering genuine fellowship;
A community of love in action, witnessing to all people the mind and heart and hands of Christ;
A community of compassion and service, offering help, support and comfort to those in need;
A community of caring and cooperation, working with other Christians and people of good will to achieve common purposes;
A community of peace, justice and reconciliation, addressing the causes of injustice, oppression and alienation within our Church, our civic community and our world
August 15, 1988, Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary